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Healthy Mama Meal Prep™ Master Course
Module 1: Let's Get it Started!
Why Meal Prep? My Story (4:10)
WELCOME! Start Here (5:28)
How to Prioritize your prep (6:44)
The three styles of meal prep (10:39)
Pre-prep steps (7:47)
Module 2: Flexible Meal Planning 101
Flexible Meal Planning 101 (19:56)
Creating a strategic grocery list (5:34)
Meal Planning Methods (13:44)
Choosing & Organizing Recipes (15:07)
Download: Flexible Meal Planning Guide
BONUS: Meal Planning with Picky Eaters (25:10)
Module 3: Meal Prep Basics
Batch Prep (12:18)
Ingredient Prep (5:32)
Combination Prep (9:19)
BONUS: Freezer Prep (10:05)
BONUS: Must-have Equipment & Meal Prep Containers (29:47)
Module 4: The Healthy Mama Meal Prep System
The 1-hour Meal Prep (3:33)
The Healthy Mama Meal Prep Essential 5 (9:00)
Step 1: Planning your prep (8:07)
Step 2: Mise En Place (4:34)
Steps 3 + 4: Cooking and Clean-up (with efficiency!) (13:37)
Making Meal Prep Stick (3:45)
Module 5: Cooking Basics
Cooking Basics: How to use your knife (5:22)
Cooking Basics: How to slice + dice (7:47)
Cooking Basics: How to cut an onion (5:01)
Cooking Basics: How to chop herbs (2:01)
Cooking Basics: The Elements of Flavor (6:03)
Cooking Basics: How to Season (6:00)
Cooking Basics: Steam, Blanch, Roast, Sautee (4:37)
BONUS: Instructional Cooking Demos
Cooking Demo: How to Slice Peppers (2:55)
Cooking Demo: How to roast perfect veggies every time (7:11)
Cooking Demo: How to make a classic vinaigrette (5 ways) (4:56)
Cooking Demo: Meal Prep Bacon (2:50)
Cooking Demo: Homemade Cashew Milk (8:05)
Cooking Demo: Perfect Pan-seared Chicken (11:20)
Cooking Demo: Easy Roasted Spaghetti Squash (7:06)
Cooking Demo: Instant Pot Hard Cooked Eggs (4:31)
Cooking Demo: Homemade Hummus (4:22)
Cooking Demo: Shredded Chicken (4:39)
Cooking Demo: Meal Prep Quinoa Fajita Casserole (11:19)
Cooking Demo: Magically Easy Cauliflower Cutting (3:51)
Cooking Demo: Homemade Cauli Rice (3:07)
Cooking Demo: Homemade Mayo (7:06)
Cooking Demo: Cashew Cream Sauce (5:19)
Cooking Demo: How to cook perfect quinoa every time (4:10)
Cooking Demo: How to chop and store kale (11:00)
Cooking Demo: How to shred/chop cabbage (5:01)
Cooking Demo: Homemade Pesto (12:36)
BONUS: Meal Prep Examples
Back to School Meal Prep Class Recording (2023) (101:51)
Autumn Meal Prep Class Recording (92:29)
Winter Meal Prep Class Recording (111:12)
Back to School Meal Prep Class Recording (2022) (76:33)
Downloadable Resources
Healthy Mama Meal Prep Guide + Meal Plan
Healthy Mama Meal Prep Cookbook
Meal Planning Worksheets
Meal Prep Planner
Fridge, Freezer and Pantry Inventory Lists
Family Favorites/Recipes To Try Lists
Food Safety Guide
Kris' Amazon Shop with all her meal prep faves
BONUS: Healthy Mama Power Pantry Guide
Cooking Basics: How to use your knife
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